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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

More Like Him: snarky or Grace

 We recently had a FHE centered around this picture.  Sometimes in the walls of this house we tend to point out faults in each other.  Sometimes we point them out using a microscope so we don't leave any fault unnoticed.  It is not just one of us, but all of us.  Snarky comments are sometimes more prevalent than love and grace.

I woke up presidents day morning, just bogged down with the weight of being an inferior mother and wife.  All the snarky comments over days just boiled up a batch of self loathing and tears that wouldn't stop.  ( you ever have one of those days)

Now mind you my mouth can speak as many snarky comments as the next guy.  So after a long conversation with Kyle, a solution was born.  We would talk to the kids and each other about what is going well.  Point out the good things more than the bad and focus on grace and understanding.

We are human and snarky comes out, but this new picture that I bought on presidents day hangs by our kitchen table.  I look at it while eating or working, and often think of the Savior's love.  How he is the perfect example of all these virtues.  I think about those snarky comments and whether or not they need to have voice, because all of us need second chances.

This months heartfelt lesson is to have more grace, because when I CHOOSE to extend grace, I more frequently receive it.


  1. I love your new picture. I definitely have days like you have described and I see the results of my criticisms so clearly when I hear my children saying the same things to each other. Oh, how I cringe inside when I hear them repeat the impatient or unkind things I have said. We all need more practice in kindness. Thank you for the reminder. :)

  2. It's funny how we treat our families so different than strangers. But that's because we know they love us no matter what and are very forgiving. However, it's good to practice kindness and remind each other to watch how we come across and the things we say. You guys are good parents and it's never too late to teach those lessons! Love the sign..perfect words to live by.

  3. I think you are as pretty close to perfect when it comes to being a wife and mother as anyone can be! I guess everyone experiences "mom guilt" at some point? I know I was just thinking about yesterday how snippy I am with my family. I need to work on that, like NOW! Ugh thank goodness for grace!
