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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Beginnings: Happy 2020

With the New Year here and new decade to start, I find myself reflecting.  What types of goals are realistic?  What might I stick to?  Do I want a word or phrase to work on?
Kyle and I decided that we will join in on the children and youth goals, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are rolling out this year.  Although are children and youth are grown adults we can still learn from this program and apply it to our adult lives.
Here is a link, if you are interested.

So my goals for myself are going to be within these topics.

1. To study the Come Follow Me Program this year.
2. attend the temple 12+ times

1. minister with my partner at least 6 times in person
2. To improve relationships at work and with family

1. to make better food choices and lose some weight
2. to increase the amount of exercise that I do weekly from little to none to a more regular habit, to go hiking more, and maybe even swim at the Y

1. to develop new skills to be helpful at work and gain new experiences in leading a building
2. to gain new knowledge for genealogy research and clean up my family search account

The best part of New Year's Day is hope.  Hope in a new you, new challenges, new living, but most of all, the ability to see a better you.  I like learning to become better, I like goals, I like trying to become more like my Savior.  I have learned that I can do that, one new year, one goal, one trial at a time; and with each baby step, comes more learning, more wisdom and quiet reflection on the blessings we have earned.

I love fresh starts, repentance for old habits, faith for better things to come.

Happy New Year, Happy New Decade, let's try and be better!


  1. All good goals! I know you're going to do a great job at tackling these! The Lord knows just what we need to improve our lives.

  2. Excellent goals Stacy! All realistic and measurable that equal success!!! ❤️
