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Monday, July 1, 2013

More Like Him June Update

My lesson to learn in June is to let go.  To allow my son to learn to live on his own.  To trust that Heavenly Father will take over the role of parent.  To allow him to start learning as I learn by trial and error, to allow him  full agency.

It says in 2 Nephi 2: Redemption comes through the Holy Messiah—Freedom of choice (agency) is essential to existence and progression—Adam fell that men might be—Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life.  I know now that Dakota is in good hands.  My church is the same all over the world.  Each church building is organized the same way and has the same global leader.

When we arrived at the Brainerd, MN chapel to meet the people who would take over in the spiritual growth of my child I was so impressed.  Bishop Howard knew exactly where Dakota was going second hour.  They had just organized a temple prep class for another young man who is preparing to leave on his mission.  They have a calling ready for him and a few assignments.  He already has begun the process of filling out mission papers and is on his way.

It was difficult here trying to get the same information, where in MN it was handed to us.  That was my reassuring moment, the witness from the Holy Ghost that this was the right place for him to be.  For him to grow into a man, where I believe if he stayed here in Ohio he would have stalled in his spiritual growth.

When we talked to Kota last night he was enjoying the peace and solitude of Oxyoke Lake, listening to the loons call.  He is growing...

I understand a little bit better what it must be like for Heavenly Father watching his children grow, to allow them the right to choose.  With the hope that we will remember to include him in our choices through prayer or listening to the Holy Ghost give us council.  I understand a little bit better what it must have been like for the Savior when he was guiding the apostles and letting them make choices and loving them in spite of things they chose.

June brought big changes in my family and growth for all of us.  I feel like I understand agency just a little bit better.  For that I am grateful.


  1. I love it when a plan comes together! I'm sure he's learning and growing and will do just fine...sounds like the leadership up there has their act together!

  2. It's nice to hear that he is in good hands. You are in my prayers. :)

  3. your words are so encouraging. your act of faith is an inspiration.

  4. Transitions like this are so hard, but it sounds like he is in the right place. I will keep hin in my prayers.

    And his mom, too!


  5. This was wonderful. It is a great lesson that we need to learn. We need to learn to allow our children to take the lessons that we have taught them and go out and make their own way. Thank you for sharing.

    from lila Jones at Split Site PhD
