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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Dinner

Salty, sweet goodness of the traditional Easter ham graced our Sunday dinner table today.  We had all the trimmings of au grautin potatoes, green beans, homemade dinner rolls, deviled eggs, chocolate cream pie
and the fancy rice crispy treats that I learned how to make at Kerre's blog.  Faith, family and food brings us together on these lovely holidays.  Smells and sounds all bring back the pleasant memories of childhood.
Every Easter we would make homemade candy.  I dabbled in a little bit of candy making yesterday and Kayla was saying how much fun she had doing it.  I might have to make that tradition with my daughter.  Usually time dictates my life.  I need to make a few more time outs so that I don't let the clock time out these found memories of my childhood and have them skip a generation.
 Although I did not take pictures of the wonderful food, we did not leave the table hungry.  Kim and Kevin and their kids spent the afternoon and early evening with us.  Dakota and Kayla broke out some old toys that I put up for future grandkids.  The cousins had fun playing.

 I don't remember the last time Kayla played Barbies.  I am glad that my teens aren't "too mature" to play with their cousins.  I would have never been on the floor playing Barbies as a 14 year old.  I am proud of my kids.  I hope this is a small glimpse into the type of parents they will be.
 Kyle and Kevin are trying to plan some good camping trips for the summer.  We are going to camp this summer instead of going on to a big vacation.
 Kolton was enjoying playing with Kota and Kayla.
 She is just like her dad, always a kid at heart.
 Kadin and Kamyrn enjoying playing with their cousins.
Okay, help me solve this dilemma.  Does Kayla look more like me (the Steigerwalt/Doan side of the family) or the Crawford/Beninghof side of the family?  I'll tell you what I think in my next post!

Kayla and Aunt Kim Crawford (Starkey)


  1. I think you're side. Maybe a little Kyle's side to, but no mostly you. Dakota is definitely your side, of course! I'm glad you guys had a Happy Easter! Miss you. Hopefully see you this summer!

  2. You two are twinners! Looks like a really fun day. How nice your sweet kiddos are to the little ones. The younger cousins will always remember that!

  3. I think Kayla looks so much like you!

    It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter weekend.
