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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

That's A First

 How often do you see a lawn mower in your living room?  Our lawn mower died today on the kids when they were mowing one of their clients.  They had to finish the yard with the riding mower and weed eater.  I found this a bit comical and had to post about it.
I also needed proof that my husband could read the directions to something.  Most times he's the put it together and wonder why there are extra pieces kind of a guy.  I really don't mind that he works that way.  It works for him.  I wonder who will be the first to push the mower, Kyle or Kota?  There is something fun about trying out new toys no matter how old you are.


  1. I love to mow...I'm a mow ho..but I hate spending money on things like that..or vacuums..or irons...or toasters..well, you get my drift. Have fun with the new toy!

  2. That is funny good luck with the new mower.

  3. May they have many marvelous mowing years together...


  4. So funny to see a mower in the house. I won't be showing this to my hubby. :-)

  5. It's hard for me to believe that all things come in pieces anymore! They cost more and yet there is so much work to putting them together. We had a box last week and the object looked like it was in one piece yet opening it came in lots...yuck! I bet your hubby had the mower together in no time!!

  6. I did not know that you buy and assemble a lawnmower yourself these days! Shows how out of touch I am! I thought they all come preassembled and ready to use. Hope this one cuts like a dream machine after all that attention in your lounge! Hope it doesn't think its going to be sleeping there at night?
