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Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Bliss

Kyle asked me what I wanted to do for Mother's Day.  I decided that I wanted to go fishing at Grandma's after church.  I love to let my feet kiss the water as I'm winding up for the cast off the dock at the big pond.  The gentle tug of the lure pulling through the water, attacting the unspecting bass.  The feel of the strike at the line and the set of the hook brings exihilerating feelings and gets the heart pumping.  Tug, reel, tug, reel coaxing that unwilling foe into the dock or boat.  Then sweet surprise at the catch, getting to see its size and color of otherwise unseen life.

Kyle caught the first fish....and several more before anyone else.  That's good because he helped his girls defish their hooks.We are usually a catch and release type family.  It's just a fun way to bond and relax as a family.  It's nice spending time in the sunshine with my three most favorite people!

 Thanks guys for a fun, relaxing, just what I needed Mother's Day afternoon.


  1. My husband would love that kind of day for FATHER'S DAY!!

  2. Geez, I just learned something new about you..you angler you! I love sitting on a dock, putting my feet in the water..eating a snack while doing that is my idea of a good day! Glad you had your fun!

  3. Glad you had a great Mother's Day - may you have many more of them!

  4. Kyle!! Is that gray hair I see? Ha ha Kyle is going gray- I know i know I will never grow up. I saw a chance to make fun and well lets just say some things will never get old :)
    Stacy it looks like you had a great relaxing day spending it with the family, although I had no idea you all liked fishing. I have never tried it?

  5. What an unusual, but clearly perfectly satisfying, Mothers' Day. So glad yours was this special.

  6. What a fun way to spend time together on Mother's Day!

