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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Stupid Hair Week

Last year the Varsity started a stupid hair tradition. If we are having a winning season, they cut their hair into a mohawk. So stupid traditions are getting repeated. I get to look at my beautiful son with stupid hair for who knows how long.
I wonder what all the teachers think looking at 60 boys in the high school with stupid hair. Oh well, rite of passage, right?
Funny story of my work week. I went to school Monday after spending extra time on my hair and make-up becaue it was parent teacher conferences. I had one of my 5th grade angels ask me if I was having a bad hair day? I looked at the little darling and said no why? He said my hair was too fluffy and it looked like I didn't comb it! I guess I should just stick with the air dried look instead of the blow dried look for this kiddo. It still makes me laugh when I think of it.

1 comment:

  1. It will grow back and when he has struggles with his kiddos someday, just pull out the stupid hair pics...kids just want their teachers to remain the same. In this changing, crazy world, all they want is something to rely on...like flat hair.
