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Friday, February 18, 2011

Dinner at Derrick's and a little heart medicine

No youth meetings this week because they were attending the temple this weekend, so we went to Dinner at Derrick's. It was a culinary experience. We ate a lot of Chinese inspired food since he came back from his trip to China. We had spicy fried cabbage and a ham stew that was loaded with fresh veggies and fresh fruit for dessert. I brought some very American bacon-wrapped chicken with brown sugar and chili powder. It was quite good!

My very pick fidget even ate the ham stew and only gave the cauliflower to her dad.

It was a quiet respite from the normal humdrum of life. Thanks for the invite and conversation Derrick.
Thursday was Heartsmart 101 at our Relief Society women's meeting. We learned how to take care of ourselves physically and spiritually. I left with a very full heart that night. I got to laugh so much, mostly at the end when it was just the presidency there. Kathy and I were hurrying around trying to get photos for our blogs because we were so engaged in our meeting that we forgot to take the pictures.
I promised I wouldn't put her whole picture in my blog,s so I just have her arm with her very delicious dark chocolate dipped strawberries. Yummo!


  1. Thanks Stacy for not putting my mug on the blog..I wouldn't want to ruin the great pics you have with Derrick's dinner! I think the meeting went really good and such a good turn out too!

  2. Well, it all looks like a marvelous feast!! Like you said ...yummo!!

  3. All that lovely food reminds me i have not eaten since breakfast, have you got any left to share..
