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Friday, February 25, 2011


These past couple of snow days I have taken my days and worked hard. Yesterday I spent my intire day working in my classroom. I went to work with Kyle when we started the day with a two hour delay. I stayed the whole day since we rode together. He brought me lunch and that was the only break I took. I think Heavenly Father listened last week when I said. If I just had an 8 hour day where I was not interrupted I could get caught up. I really worked hard and have some good lesson plans to get me through until Spring break. (if we have one) No big deal either way, I think we will have three more snow days to make up.

Today I worked at home. I did laundry, I canned pinto beans (so I don't have to soak them to make my chili), I took Kayla to the Chiropractor to look at her knee (it was swollen, too much jumping at cheer practice). I washed down cupboards in my kitchen and washed the curtians. (remember I might not get spring break, so need to start cleaning now.) I also got my lesson prepared for Sunday. Whew, what a day.

My topic for Sunday is "Be Thou and Example of the Believers." Apostle Paul was a great missionary and good example of being a Christian. It really has me inspired to do better. To be the person I want to be everywhere. I think most time I have a different self at work. I'm good at the service part, but not always good at holding my temper. Hmmm, got some work to do.


  1. Hey, if you get bored, I have a few cupboards you're welcome to come and wash! We didn't go to Michigan because of the weather, so I'll look forward to your lesson...I need it! I too have to watch my temper, my mouth and the try to not say what I'm thinking!

  2. I hope you have a happy birthday here in Ohio. It will be fun having you with us.

  3. Phew! You are a whirlwind! It feels good to get a bunch done and catchup sometimes. Glad you got a chance to do that and lessen some of the pent up stress! Maybe you can relax today and have some fun...hope so!

  4. No problem with using my mormon.org profile! Did you have a lesson on "What Not to Do" ? haha I'm glad you were able to get caught up on things. I feel so relieved on the very rare occasion that I get caught up.
