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Friday, January 28, 2011

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Our friend Robin died this morning. He got to go home peacefully with his wife there by his side. If I had to chose a way to go, that would be it.
In our church we get visiting teachers; who are women who come to your home or give you call once a month to see how you are. They can end up being good friends. Robin's wife Dee is my visiting teacher and I am hers. We've forged a good friendship over the last couple of years. She got to listen when I was in college and working full time. I got to listen when she was frustrated about her car dying. We get to tell about our kids growing up and what to expect, she gets to tell me about being a grandma. I am sorry she is going to be alone.
Death is never easy. We miss those who go on without us. My mom used to tell me when I was a kid about her Grandma Sindeldecker. She would tell my mom that when the sun rays would break through the clouds that was when Jesus was taking people up to heaven. That's a nice thought being in heaven with our Savior. It helps take some of the sting out of death knowing our loved ones have the opportunity to live with the Savior again.
When I stopped by the house this evening to make sure she had everything she needed to get through the weekend until the funeral; I got to see such a legacy that Robin left behind. His posterity was there sorting through pictures to help celebrate his life. They were looking through pictures and remembering, mourning, talking, and loving....Isn't that what life is all about? Having a beautiful family and leaving a legacy of love and family, a network of posterity to carry on the family dreams and desires.
Families are Forever!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about his passing...hopefully Dee can get through this time with peace knowing he no longer hurts, struggles and will be on the other side waiting patiently for her.

  2. Having a strong faith is the most important thing that can help the "sting of death". Knowing that Robin is now in a perfect place helps the hurt but missing that person is hard no matter what. Knowing that reunion will be wonderful someday is healing. Dee is lucky to have you to lean on and at will be such a wonderful comfort just now. Sympathies to the family and to you, a friend.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's death. May your faith continue to light your way through the grieving.
